Setting the state field in Dovico automatically

This guide will allow you to install a custom script into your browser that will set the state field in your Dovico timesheet automatically to any value you specify. This script works in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported at this time.

Download script

Download the defaultState.user.js script to your computer. Open this file in a text editor of your choice, and modify the defaultState variable at the top of the script to your desired state. Do not modify anything else.

Now follow the instructions for your specific browser:


1) Install the Greasemonkey add-on. After installing Greasemonkey, you will be prompted to restart your browser.

2) After restarting, simply drag your defaultState.user.js script (that you modified with your desired state value) into your browser.

3) Select Install in the prompt that follows.

4) After installing the script, you should now be able to open your Dovico timesheet and notice that the state field will automatically adjust to the value that you entered in the defaultState.user.js script.


1) Install the Tampermonkey extension.

2) Next, click on the Tampermonkey icon in the upper right of your browser and select Add a new script...

3) Copy and paste all of the code in your defaultState.user.js script into the Tampermonkey editor (you can copy it over the commented code that is currently there). Then click the small Save icon in the upper left of the editor.

4) You should now be able to open your Dovico timesheet and notice that the state field will automatically adjust to the value that you entered in the defaultState.user.js script.


The steps for using this script in Safari are the same as the steps for Chrome, all though the Tampermonkey icon will be located in the upper left of your browser instead of the upper right.
